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Large Divanyx Collage

A specialty of Divanyx Design is its Large Divanyx Collage.  This collage has over 1500 photos (may repeat photos) that make up one large photo.  The customer selects one photo that he/she wants as the main photo and then our professional designer takes all the other good pictures from the photo shoot* and makes a large collage that ends up looking like the main photo from afar.  This is sure to be the talk of your friends and family when they walk into your house and see a large picture but as they get closer they see the picture is made up of hundreds of photos.  See the example below to further understand.  As you can see the picture on the left looks like one photo but the blue rectangle is zoomed in on the right and you can see there are actually photos that make up the pixels in the large photo.  We recommend minimum printing size of 24" by 36" and can print up to 48" by 72" with one of our partners.  For pricing please check out our pricing page.

*We will accept pictures not taken in a photo shoot (personal photos).

Large Divanyx Collage Zoomed in blue rectangle
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